Panorama CFP: Curious Sources

In conjunction with the Panorama, the blog of the Journal of the Early Republic, we are soliciting 250-500 word short-form reflections on a single source or a portion of a source to be a part of a collection of such pieces published on the blog. These pieces are intended to offer a chance for graduate students and early career scholars to discuss the strange, humorous, confounding, and curious sources that historians encounter in the archive but might not include in their projects.  There is no fragment too small, no manuscript too arcane, no artifact too obscure. Please submit your name and a sentence or two on your chosen subject to Elena Telles Ryan ( by 5p EST on April 12.

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Call for Participants: Fifth Annual SHEAR Biography Workshop
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SHEAR: Second-Book Writers’ Workshop
The SHEAR Second-Book Writers’ Workshop is inviting applications for its annual 2BWW workshop to be held at the Annual Meeting of SHEAR in Philadelphia. The workshop will run from 12:30-4:30pm on Thursday, July 18, 2024. We also will offer one online discussion panel via Zoom.