SHEAR logo, which is an engraving of an eagle holding a banner that says " Society for Historians of the Early American Republic"

SHEAR 2016: Graduate Student Travel Awards

Once again in 2016, SHEAR will offer Graduate Student Travel Awards. These awards are intended to provide assistance with conference participation for graduate students who have papers accepted to the annual meeting program. As in previous years, SHEAR will make eight gifts of $250 each to help subvent the costs of participation in the annual meeting. In addition to the $250 grant, each award recipient has her or his conference registration fee waived and receives one ticket to the Saturday banquet. Grant recipients are expected to join SHEAR in return for receiving their awards.

Applicants should wait until they have heard from the Program Committee as to whether their paper has been included in the forthcoming conference program. Once confirmed, please send an email to the conference coordinator ( in which you indicate 1. your paper title, 2. the name of your dissertation adviser and institutional affiliation, and 3. a brief explanation of the relationship between your proposed presentation and your larger scholarship.

The application deadline for the 2016 conference is March 18, 2016.