SHEAR 2021 Conference Update
The 2021 Program Chairs are exploring platforms and possibilities for this move and will share concrete details soon.
All panelists from the 2020 program now need to make a decision about presenting online at SHEAR ’21. Panel conveners should communicate to Robyn Davis ( the answer to these three questions: (i) whether you intend to present, (ii) changes to the composition of the panel as originally constituted, if any, and (iii) other particulars that the Program Committee should be aware of (tech needs, scheduling conflicts, &c.).
This is a time sensitive request, so program conveners should please reply to Robyn no later than 6:00 pm, Friday 12 February.
Previously, SHEAR had been planning to host a hybrid in person + online conference in Philadelphia this summer. With the new year has come new information. Regrettably, based on what we now know, an in-person gathering will not be possible this July. In consequence, the Executive Committee has made the decision to move the 2021 conference fully online.
2 February 2021
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