SHEAR logo, which is an engraving of an eagle holding a banner that says " Society for Historians of the Early American Republic"

Indians in the Family: Adoption and the Politics of Antebellum Expansion

Dawn Peterson is an assistant professor of early North American…
Survey Strife: Transparent Pedagogy as a Multiracial Woman in the Classroom
SHEAR logo, which is an engraving of an eagle holding a banner that says " Society for Historians of the Early American Republic"

JER Social Media Rollout: Hashtags to Know and Love

Over at The Panorama, JER editor Cathy Kelly has written a post…
JER Social Media Rollout
#NEHstories: Cathy Kelly
#NEHstories: Ben Wright
#NEHstories: Martha Hodes
#NEHstories: Cassandra Good
Semi-formal headshot of Mark Boonshoft with a smile on his face.
William Blake, “Flagellation of a Female Samboe Slave,” 1795 in John Gabriel Stedman’s The Narrative of a Five Years Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam.