SHEAR logo, which is an engraving of an eagle holding a banner that says " Society for Historians of the Early American Republic"

SHEAR 2017: Pre-Registration, Hotel, and Travel Information

Hello SHEARites! The 2017 annual meeting of the Society for Historians…
SHEAR logo, which is an engraving of an eagle holding a banner that says " Society for Historians of the Early American Republic"

The Press and Slavery in America

Brian Gabrial is an associate professor of journalism at Concordia…
Ed Pompeian decenters U.S. History 101 by embedding the early republic in the context of hemispheric economies.
SHEAR logo, which is an engraving of an eagle holding a banner that says " Society for Historians of the Early American Republic"

CFP: Religion and Politics in Early America (Beginnings to 1820)

We seek proposals for panels and individual papers for the special…