Missionary Diplomacy, Applied

If you want to understand American foreign policy today, you have to understand the history of Protestant foreign missions and its deep entanglement with American diplomacy for more than a century.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Writing for the Public

Though it’s generally taboo to say, I consider myself a presentist historian. I am interested in history to the extent that it speaks to our current moment and helps us push toward a better future.

Of Hindsight and Foresight: An Introduction to “Rethinking Applied History”

Over the last few years, I have found myself in an awkward spot. What is my intellectual identity?

Echoes of Spanish-Mexican Women in California’s Constitutional Debates of 1849

In 1857, Maria Natividad de Haro de Tissol petitioned the Fourth District Court of California to appoint a trustee over her separate property.