A technical looking drawing of a primitive steam engine.
Photo of an easel with the blank canvas overlook the seashore.
A round printed emblem with an enslaved woman kneeling with her wrists shackled and the words "Am I Not a Woman and a Sister"
A modified early 19th century cartoon of a sailor standing on a dirt road. He has a question mark over his face and his speech bubbles says "Are you looking for me?"
Cartoon of Madame Restell and Mrs. Bird accompanied by a skeleton.
Newspaper image of Louisa Picquet.
Madame Restell's Mansion
Cartoon of Madame Rastille's practice showing a bunch of women in veils having a conversation.
A grayscale photo of an old portrait of James D'Wolf
An image of a legal form, partly printed and partly handwritten, with a seal in the lower right corner.
A lithograph of a girl about 10 years old sitting and holding a small chalkboard for doing figures.
An engraving of the old jail and marketplace in Boston from the early 20th century.http://thepanorama.shear.org/2022/08/17/lesson-plan-primary-documents-as-material-culture-encouraging-students-to-see-a-source-from-all-sides/
Engraving showing a bird's-eye view of Eastern State Penitentiary from 1855
Engraved portrait of John Jay
Image of Athanasius Kircher's Turris Babel from 1679, which is an engraving of the Tower of Babel.
From Sea to Sea: The Northwest Passage, Early America, and the Push to the Pacific Ocean
Many Americans, Many Pacifics