A political cartoon showing a soldier labeled "White League" shaking hands with a KKK member in full robe and hood over a and image of a black man and woman and a baby cowering with the label "worse than slavery.”
Engraving of two men dueling in a forest, each with a second in a topcoat trying to stop them, with a coach in the background half hidden in the woods.
Print of a room full of men in 18th century dress sitting at desks deliberating the constitution.
A miniature portrait of a thin white man with dark hair wearing a formal black coat and a white shirt with a high collar.
A line drawing of a large building set back from a grassy waterfront with small figures moving about in the foreground.
Tinted lithograph of a blacksmith in a bowler hat in his shop striking iron on the anvil while a boy works the bellows and another man shoes a horse
Cutaway engraving of a mine showing a shaft going down through the ground into a cavern, bolstered by wood, with figures climbing in and out.
Lithograph of a river flowing from a lake through a prairie with a few houses on the banks and some boats.
An engraving of a man bound, blindfolded, and seated in a chair facing a firing squad, with a priest on one side of him and a solider on the other.
Black and white aerial photograph of a brand new sprawling subdivision
A technical looking drawing of a primitive steam engine.
Photo of an easel with the blank canvas overlook the seashore.