SHEAR logo, which is an engraving of an eagle holding a banner that says " Society for Historians of the Early American Republic"

Crowd-Sourcing a “History Detective” Problem

A few months ago, my friend Richard Flavin (an amateur historian living in Cambridge MA) sent me a message attached interesting scans from early American newspapers, concerning St. Hubertus, a figure about whom I have published (in JSRNC in 2008 and in Religion Dispatches earlier this year).

I didn’t get a chance to look at the documents closely until recently, that is after my friend Rick lost his battle with cancer.

Alas, I have no idea which 18th and 19th century newspapers I am looking at, although I suspect they are from the Boston area (based on reprints from The Globe, and the fact that Rick lived and worked in Eastern Massachusetts.

Can one of you help me identify these newspapers? Images (.pdfs) are here and here.

Joe Wilson

Joseph A.P. Wilson, PhD
Assistant Editor, Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture.
International Studies Program
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Fairfield University
1073 North Benson Road
Fairfield, CT 06824