Call for Applications for JER Book Reviews Editor(s)

The Journal of the Early Republic (JER) seeks applicants for a three-year term editing its book reviews section, effective July 2021 at the end of the 2021 SHEAR Annual Meeting. We welcome both single applicants and those interested in co-editing. A single application should be submitted for a proposed duo of co-Book Reviews Editors.

The Editor (or Editors) of Reviews manages the solicitation, review, and acceptance process for book reviews and longer review essays published by the JER.  Duties include identifying appropriate titles for review and corresponding with presses to ensure that JER receives review copies, identifying potential reviewers and assigning books to scholars with particular expertise in the subject matter, sending books to reviewers and following up with them until submission, providing editing for style and form for submitted reviews, allotting received reviews to particular issues, and organizing the sequence of reviews within a given issue. In its book reviews, the JER is committed to representing the entire field and to encouraging the field’s diversity.

Evidence of minor institutional support to cover costs of shipping books to reviewers is highly desirable. This position is uncompensated, but book reviews editors receive up to $1000 to support attendance at the Annual Meeting of SHEAR.  Attending the Annual Meeting and the yearly Editorial Board Meeting held during the Annual Meeting is a requirement for the position.

Please submit letter of application and c.v. to A letter of application should explain the applicant(s)’s interest in the position, relevant skills and experience, vision for the position, and any institutional support for the position.

Questions may be addressed to the Editors at  Review of applications will begin March 1, 2021.