SHEAR Ombuds Committee at #SHEAR2023

Engraving of the High Street Market House, showing the head house with the courthouse and a line of market stalls.

High Street Market House, Philadelphia. Courtesy of the Free Library of Philadelphia

At this year’s conference, you might notice some SHEARites walking around with purple ribbons on their nametags. They are the members of SHEAR’s new ombuds committee and their role is to help members and attendees uphold SHEAR’s Statement of Values. They are joined in this work by SHEAR’s new external ombudsperson, Dr. Ashley Valanzola.

As a reminder, all attendees at the conference agree to adhere to the Statement of Values. You can find the full Statement of Values on SHEAR’s website here. The Statement of Values affirms that “discrimination and harassment offend the Society’s core values which include a commitment to the open exchange of ideas, freedom of thought and expression, and equal opportunity and inclusion. By fostering dignity, understanding, mutual respect, and diversity, Society members and guests will contribute to a more democratic, respectful, and productive environment that recognizes the inherent worth and dignity of every person.”

If you experience or witness a violation of the Statement of Values, you can make a report using the following link to provide a report. You can also access the form via the QR code in the conference’s printed program. The ombuds committee will be on site to help you navigate this process and answer questions. Dr. Valanzola will also be on call through the conference, and she can be reached at

We look forward to helping to make this year’s conference a productive, respectful, and fun experience for all SHEARites.

Your ombuds committee,

Emily Conroy-Krutz

Gautham Rao

Jackie Beatty

Rachel Shelden

Kirsten Wood