Historiography Rhymes: Slavery and Capitalism in the 1970s and 1980s
Maritime History as the History of American Foreign Relations
Maritime Studies In and Out of the Classroom
Sea Changes

Sea Changes

Landlocked Maritime History on the Great Plains
Mapping a Whaling Voyage
Long Walks

Long Walks

The Digital Tavern: Conceptualizing Parallels between Textual Networks in the Age of Revolutions and the Digital Humanities Today
High Politics and Physical Space: Rethinking How We Commemorate Place
Digital Research, Digital Age: Blogging New Approaches to Early American Studies; A Joint Issue with the Junto
Roundtable Introduction: Bringing the Sea into the Classroom
Painting Lunsford Lane: A Reflection on the Art of History
‘Satan’s Coming!’: Why We Need to Teach Civics Again
Finding Themselves in the Narrative, and Challenging Narratives: Teaching the Early Republic in a Utah Heartland
Roundtable Introduction: Teaching the Early Republic in Red-State America